bp2w® Diagnostic

5% Informational, 95% Tranformational

The bp2w® diagnostic is an online, real-time diagnostic that gives you an indication of team engagement / satisfaction levels and of your leadership.

Imagine driving your car with no water temperature or fuel gauge. You’ll be driving, wondering when you are going to have a problem with overheating or running out of fuel. The bp2w® diagnostic provides you with gauges on your team’s performance and lets you know what’s going on underneath the bonnet of your team. It will flag potential problems. It will prevent crises from ever happening, enabling performance levels to remain high.

BP2W Diagnostic questions

Easy to interpret reports

The methodology behind the bp2w® diagnostic has been proven over years. This methodology has been automated into a system that allows leaders to collate, cut and compare critical data at the click of a button. No more waiting for reports – just incremental data that can be actioned at the right level, at the right time and in a friendly way. And you don’t need an expensive consultant to interpret the data.


Reports give you vital information

When it comes to our people, understanding what is in their minds and hearts is no longer a nice to have. It is essential to gain and sustain competitive advantage. This tool enables you to have your fingers on the pulse continually, taking the guesswork out of leadership.

While the bp2w® diagnostic is a comprehensive measure, its real benefit is providing a way to engage staff and get them taking ownership for improving their scores. It not only gives you a measure but the solution. After all we go to the doctor not to be told I am unwell, but how to get better.

This is not a survey that staff complete and then sit back with the expectation that management will sort everything out. The question asked is not, “What is management going to do?” but, “What am I going to do?

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