bp2w® Level 1 includes the diagnostic and diagnostic results only and the trial is active for a two month period only starting from the date of order.
Niveau 1 - Essai GRATUIT
The bp2w® Level 1 free trial is for small groups or teams up to 12 people. bp2w® Level 1 includes the diagnostic and diagnostic results only and the trial is active for a two month period only starting from the date of order. The diagnostic can be completed as many times as you wish during this period. When ordering, please order one licence per participant.
bp2w® subscription
A bp2w® subscription entitles the user to full access to Level 1 and Level 2 of An Even Better Place to Work. This includes the bp2w® diagnostic and access to all activities, reports, tools and resources. In addition, telephone support is available from 9am - 5pm (GMT) Monday to Friday. To learn more about the different BP2W engagement options, please cliquez ici.
bp2w® also exists in an Enterprise Level format. This includes all four levels of the bp2w® programme. To learn more, please call a member of our support team - +44 (0)1425 612610 or email enquiries@bp2w.com.